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Camp Wanatachi

Written and composed by Natalie Elizabeth Weiss

Book co-written by Natalie Weiss

and Bekah Brunstetter

Featuring electronic music by Travis Stewart,

aka Machinedrum.

Directed by Matt Cowart

Associate Directed by Isaac Klein

Scenic & Lighting Design by Marc Janowitz

Costume Design by Ren LaDassor

Production Photos by Ian Pai

Rehearsal Photos by Isaac Klein

Produced by Ian Pai, Bridget Regan & Lydia Cheuk

La MaMa E.T.C

January 21 to February 6, 2011

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A hilariously provocative new electro-musical that explores two girls' journey of sexual discovery within the unlikely setting of all-female Christian summer camp. Spirit-soaked and hormone-charged, this thrilling piece of theater challenges our preconceptions about the relationship between sex and religion, and in doing so imparts to us an essential truth: "There is no fear in love."

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